Mediating Multi-Party Contract Disputes in Miami Florida

Contract disputes in Miami Florida often involve several parties, making these disagreements complicated and lengthy in nature.  Each party has its own arguments, theories, and evidence that must be carefully examined and analyzed by all attorneys in the case.  Attorneys who handle contract disputes in Miami Florida must often spend hours sifting through such documents as they prepare for hearings and trials.

Although there are many parties to these disputes, mediation is still a viable option to resolve them.

As with any mediation, the choice of mediator makes a tremendous difference in the outcome of the session.  Although many mediators are highly skilled in handling two-party disputes, you must make sure that the mediator you select for your contract dispute is experienced in handling multi-party disputes, as they are an entirely different dynamic.

Organization during the session is critical to its success.  Think about the parties in the case.  May certain parties be grouped together during mediation? Should multiple mediation sessions be scheduled, allowing certain parties to work out their disagreements before the remainder of the parties attempt settlement? Without a plan for mediation, the session will be chaotic and will likely be pointless.

The positions of the parties should also be addressed prior to mediation.  In doing so, the parties may be able to settle some of the claims in advance of mediation, allowing the mediator to focus on the larger issues that are present.

During mediation, the parties should focus on reasonable settlement offers.  With multiple parties in a contract dispute, hours may be wasted if the parties only toss out numbers and settlement offers that do not properly consider the facts and laws in the case.  Rather, the parties should be encouraged to think through the case and only propose offers that may settle the case.


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